But we got a new kitten (Bubba), after we lost Thomas Cat to a vehicular misjudgement of some description. The other cats are just charmless, annoying receptacles for food. The dog is healthy but elderly, forgetful, one half blind and the other half deaf.
The boarder was a complete weirdo bitch who got her psycho arse kicked out back in March after giving me shit for objecting to a bog garden being created in the middle of the carpet in my upstairs lounge, so don't ever rent your house to Melissa Bull, she'll treat it like the wrong end of a trailer park but you could always paddle in the shallow end of the gene pool with her if you're desperate.
My sister aged into a low life lazy bitch who can't be bothered to do anything to help her elderly father and expects me to do whatever he needs because she has a job and I don't. If spending your time hiding from life in a library basement pretending you know what need, filial duty, hard times, pain and suffering is, well yep, she has a R_E_A_L job. 50 years old and never actually did any living - no kids, no pets, no proper travel, just endless boring pictures of birds and rocks and clouds in remote parts of NZ and they all look the same after the first couple of hundred, nothing and nowhere with any culture or history. Sad.
Kids are ok, weather is nice and the silverbeet, spinach, raspberries and strawberries are ready to eat. The goldfish are fat and healthy, gardens are almost weeded and the hose has 2 holes in it. Something to do with the lawnmower...
The ex of 2004 has been caught mounting a camera in the bathroom to take pics of his stepdaughters, so he is on bail waiting to see the Judge soon. What a dirty lowlife prick. Glad he's an ex.
Now my hands are tired and my arms are sore and I remember why I don't blog any more.
So, this is Bubba when he arrived at about 3 weeks old
and this is him 2 weeks ago at 8 months of age, in the plum tree the night before visiting the vet to have his own plums removed
Isn't he just lubberly??
I'll get back to you if I think of something else to say ;-)