45 isn't old, is it?
Nor is being able to remember most of these adverts?
A farmer called Murray is bringing his cows in, and one of the cows says "morning Murray"
and he replies "morning girls".
There's my Mum - the one with the baggy pantyhose
'I once bought an icecream for a girl named Fay,
Till Roger the bully stole them both away
But now that I'm grown-up look what I've got
- it's a trumpet Fay and it's made by Tip Top (made by Tip Top)
It's the finest ice cream that money can buy.
It's got chocolate and nuts, six flavours to try.
It's the treat for the big boys I told her, and then, and then...
Oh lordy, it's Roger again!
One day, Roger Fitch, one day...!
ho hum it's been raining and my gardens are lapping it up. I wandered around and ate peas and strawberries today. The corn is doing well, cabbages, shallots, beans, peas, tomatoes, spring onions and potatoes are growing heaps, peanuts and chives are sluggish and so are the caulis and water melon but the pumpkin and the mint are making up for it. We've been eating the rhubarb and will be supping on strawberries soon; the plum crop has mostly survived the winds and the grape vine is bursting out with baby bunches all over. Flowers are in bloom everywhere and it's a place of peace and green. I should feel rested, yet instead, I feel restless (and it ain't just my legs) like there is something coming. I don't think my incipient birthday has anything to do with it - I think it's more the approaching summer and those long, lazy days (how will I tell the difference? Oh yeah, it will be 28° outside and I'll be making love to my aircon unit) with a little time for me and fuck everyone else. I'm overdue some of that. I even have the T-Shirt for it

and those heavenly long balmy evenings pottering around at the end of the day, beer in one hand, ciggie in the other, good company, good music...
A time of reaping? You bet; this past year has been pretty hard going in so many, many ways...
oh well, *drains ciggie and stubs out beer* bedtime.
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