I bought a couple of golden apple snails for the fish tank last weekend. I just wanted something a little more interesting than a guppy to look at, you know? But they are cool and sprint around the tank on their feet, doing all sorts of strange things. We've had the little brown snails in there for ages but they are really boring despite their prolific breeding.
I'd never really thought about sexy snails and what they do to get their funk on, but sort of thought baby golden snails would be nice. A bit of Googling suggested, not being hermaphrodites they needed a Mummy and a Daddy snail to perform snail intercourse to fertilise a bunch of eggs to be laid on the glass above the water line. I knew about the eggs - the Mystery snails used to leave them all over Mum's big tropical stock plant tanks back in my fish farm-teenagehood, dotting the concrete like crispy, pink berry fruits. But I was ignorant of their reproductive necessities.
Our snails have filled in every possible visual blank imaginable - Snail Sex 101
They fuck for over an hour a day. Every day.
Who would have thought snails had it so good, eh?
*best innocent look* Doesn't EVERYBODY ? And you not only watch em, but photograph them ? "Yeah baby, go, but move that antenna to the left a bit so we can see better.."
And take video of them...
"Oooh, yeah! You're SO hard. Oooh baby!" .... (significant pause) .... "Um, that's my shell." -Ô¿Ô-
C'mon over, they are at it again...
Has it NEVER occurred to you that he might just be a SNAS (Sensitive New Age Snail) & he might just be HOLDING her ?
The chasing, the grabbing, the rough and tumble throwing her around, the clasping... he might be holding something but it's not chocolates and flowers. It's snail rape, I tells ya!
What a sad pathetic bunch we are to be so engaged by an example of molluscular reproduction. Imagine what its gonna be like in there when all the eggs hatch... Boccacio's Decameron will seem like a childrens bed time story...
Hmmpf, it's ok for you, you know what Boccacio's Decameron is...
You spelt it wrong. *snort*
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