My vacuum stopped working the other day. Just didn't switch on. I took it apart, I cleaned all the contacts, I banged the dirt out of it and reassembled it, but it just wouldn't go. I gave it to the Old Man to look at. After I disassembled it again (I'm getting good at this) because he has a sore wrist, I left it with him to see what he could do. A few days later, he said it was all good, so I could come and get it. After I reassembled it (getting faster every time!) it works brill - the intermediary switch on the cord rewind was stuffed as he just bypassed it.
The cleaner will just have to put on her big girl pants and coil it up by hand.
Anyway, as I was putting it back together, I mentioned to the Old Boy how, if he had told me 25 years ago that I would be all excited about fixing the vac, I would have told him he was nuts.
Imagine how bloody ecstatic I am over buying this, then
It's a Samsung SRS537NW 539L Side By Side Refridgerator/Freezer.
And it's mine, allllllll mine [insert scary mental house-bitch cackle here]
Fuck it's big but...
Remind me to hide all the new stuff before the weekend......
You don't have enough hiding places ;-)
Herself's been sorting out "stuff." I've got hiding places even I didn't know about.....
Ahhh, the power of having a Woman-look instead of a man-look, eh hehe
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